Tortured: Abused and neglected by Britain's most sadistic mum. This is my story of survival. by Victoria Spry
Tortured: Abused and neglected by Britain's most sadistic mum. This is my story of survival. by Victoria Spry PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
As a child, Victoria Spry was brutally beaten, neglected and starved by the woman she called Mummy.To the outside world Eunice Spry was a devoted parent, but behind closed doors she was an evil tyrant. Instead of protecting, loving and caring for Victoria, she forced bleach and urine down her throat, knocked out her teeth, tied her up naked and made her live in squalor. It took eighteen years of heartache and despair before she found the courage to expose her mum.
Tortured is Victoria’s gripping story of survival.
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