Sunday, 18 January 2015

PDF⋙ Tom Jones: Greatest Hits So Far: (Piano, Vocal, Guitar) by Tom Jones

Tom Jones: Greatest Hits So Far: (Piano, Vocal, Guitar) by Tom Jones

Tom Jones: Greatest Hits So Far: (Piano, Vocal, Guitar)

Tom Jones: Greatest Hits So Far: (Piano, Vocal, Guitar) by Tom Jones PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Now you can sing in the style of Tom Jones. Published in the popular "You're The Voice" series, this book features arrangements of classic Tom Jones songs for piano, voice and guitar and a short artist biography. The accompanying CD contains full backing tracks for each song, professionally arranged and recorded to recreate the sounds of the original recording. The songlist includes: "Delilah"; "Green Green Grass Of Home"; "Help Yourself"; "I'll Never Fall In Love Again"; "It's Not Unusual"; "Mama Told Me Not To Come"; "Sexbomb"; "Thunderball"; "What's New Pussycat"; and, "You Can Leave Your Hat On".

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Tom Jones: Greatest Hits So Far: (Piano, Vocal, Guitar) by Tom Jones EPub

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