The Splendor of the Saints: Why They Dazzle the World and Shape History by Aloysius Roche
The Splendor of the Saints: Why They Dazzle the World and Shape History by Aloysius Roche PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
- Lived fascinating lives that make legends seem dull by comparison
- Practiced heroic selfness, detachment, self-denial, and generosity
- Displayed startling energy and stamina in fulfilling their missions
- Transformed society through ways of thinking far ahead of their time
- Left their imprint on the world's geography, languages, and cultures
We must never be "reconciled to our own mediocrity," Fr. Roche insists. Let the high heroism portrayed in Splendor of the Saints stir you "to scale the heights and to get your head among the stars."
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