Saturday, 12 March 2016

PDF⋙ So, What's Wrong, Black Man? by James Reid

So, What's Wrong, Black Man? by James Reid

So, What's Wrong, Black Man?

So, What's Wrong, Black Man? by James Reid PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

So, What's Wrong, Black Man? was written to inform, encourage, empower, equip, and uplift the black man and anyone else who would like to gain another perspective by broadening their mind. It highlights the views of the black community through the eyes of a man who has not always made the right decisions in life, but by the grace and mercy of almighty God, now sees life in a whole new light. Author James Reid is tired of seeing his people not being honest with themselves about their own lives. He is tired of seeing his people not getting the best in everything, like health care, finance, education, and job creation. Looking at the senseless killings, the robbery, the selling of drugs, and the degrading one another in word and song, it's clear that profound change is needed. But change is within their reach if they stop blaming it on slavery, the white man, the country, and every other excuse-and not looking in their mirror. They must face the fact that they can no longer blame others for their failures. So, What's Wrong, Black Man? explains how to become the change we hope to see-not only our own communities, but also within the black community as a whole.

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