Saturday 4 October 2014

PDF⋙ Slaying The Dragon (Deception Duet Book 2) by T.K. Leigh

Slaying The Dragon (Deception Duet Book 2) by T.K. Leigh

Slaying The Dragon (Deception Duet Book 2)

Slaying The Dragon (Deception Duet Book 2) by T.K. Leigh PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad



I should have resisted him, but I couldn’t. My addiction to him was all-consuming, the high from his touch unlike any other.

Without him, I couldn’t focus, couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe.

With him, I hated myself for being too weak to fight the devil himself.

And Tyler Burnham was the devil.

He used me.

He lied to me.

But he loved me. And he still does.

Unable to stop thinking about the man who deceived her, Mackenzie Delano struggles to move on with her life and forget that Tyler Burnham ever walked into her life. But she still aches for him, despite his betrayal. Her mind is at war with her heart, a war that could be the difference between living and dying.

Tyler Burnham is lost without Mackenzie. As he contemplates the meaning of everything, he tries to find a way to prove that his feelings for her are true. That he would walk through fire to keep her at his side. That he would sacrifice it all…his career, his fortune, his life…to protect her.

The truth is, he may just have to…

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