Friday 3 October 2014

PDF⋙ When Fates Align (When Fates Collide Series Book 3) by Isabelle Richards

When Fates Align (When Fates Collide Series Book 3) by Isabelle Richards

When Fates Align (When Fates Collide Series Book 3)

When Fates Align (When Fates Collide Series Book 3) by Isabelle Richards PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Why would fate bring them together only to tear them apart?
Lily and Gavin were brought together in a clash of tragedy and chaos. Amid the ashes of lives gone wrong, they thought they found a second chance at love. With trouble from their previous lives lurking around every corner, they quickly learned that love from a star-crossed romance isn’t enough to survive.
Lily has slipped through Gavin’s fingers, and he feels as though he’s been sentenced to an eternity in hell. But if he’s going to perish in the ninth circle, everyone responsible for coming between him and Lily will go down with him.
Perhaps their love was never meant to be. But, if he’s learned anything from his time with Lily, it’s that sometimes everything has to crash and burn before life can begin again.

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